As a person who values personal space and alone time, it takes me a while to embrace social media sometimes. But today’s blog is a short and fun one about my love for INSTAGRAM STORIES! Honestly, it’s a LOT of fun being a wedding photographer in Savannah, GA. I get to take photos of the coolest people, on the happiest days of their lives, in the most beautiful locations. Truthfully, it’s a pretty sweet gig. And one of my favorite ways to share just how much fun the career can be – is sharing stories on Instagram!

So for the un-initiated, Instagram stories are small photos or videos (or boomerangs! or super zooms! or rewinds! lol) that you post to your Instagram profile. The special thing about these stories, is that they have time limits. After 24 hours, the photos or videos are designed to be gone – forever! Now sure, anyone who watches the story can take a screenshot, and there are methods of even downloading entire movies from people’s profiles. But the premise is, these photos are only up for 24 hours, which allows a little breathing room in terms of what you post. This lets you keep your Instagram feed nice and tidy (important for someone who’s business relies on style or consistency) but lets you show a little more personality slide through on the story side.

Now let’s not kid ourselves, the story is still relatively manicured. So in my case, my story is usually peppered with some fun family silliness along with fun and professional photos or videos of my couples. I still like to sneak some professional photos in my story – some photos that aren’t even on my profile’s feed! (so watch my stories for extra goodies! haha) But as for today’s blog post – I’ve been thinking about rounding up my Instagram stories and putting them on Youtube! So while this week’s stories were kinda short (thanks for a pretty rough head cold) I wanted to round up the last week’s stories, and share them with you here!

So – let’s take a look at some of last week’s Instagram stories, and see if you can guess which photo or video got the most comments from people!

OH! And if you want to follow along on Instagram, click here!

So what do you think? I’m going to try to do these weekly round ups for the next few weeks and see how I like them. Let me know your thoughts! Too silly? Too personal? Too weird having people know your every move? I’d love to know if YOU’RE using Instagram stories, I’m always looking for a great new profile to follow, let me know in the comments below!

And for an extra treat, here are a few of my favorite photos created in the last few days! You’ll notice some familiar faces in the story!

using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram stories using instagram storiesAs always, feel free to Contact Me if you want to schedule your photo shoot today!


  • Bud Bud BUD BBBUUUDDDD! These are so beautiful! gosh what a week you had!! The beach location is incredibleeee! And the light! Totally inspiring.

  • I’m newly addicted to IG stories too! Sooo much fun…Those Driftwood Beach images are gorgeous!